Facing fastening challenges with composites?
Watch our free webinar now or download the white paper to learn more about composite fastening solutions.


We solve your fastening challenge

New materials mean new challenges in design, manufacturing, and assembly. We solve your challenge.
Learn more about use cases and solutions in our webinar.

Design icon


We know how to combine fastening and composites and we can guide you to the right solution to make your design work in practice.

Manufacturing icon


We will walk you through the most effective way to incorporate the fasteners you need into your parts and how to optimize throughput.

Assembly icon


We provide you with the right fastening technologies and services that will secure your final assembly and lower the total cost of ownership (TCO) for your operation.








Your consultancy team

We offer you the most effective fastening technologies and products, the latest engineering know-how, and proven productivity for fastening composite, lightweight materials, and plastics. Learn more in our webinar.


Lawrence Cook 

Lawrence Cook
Development Engineer
Composite & Plastic Application

Mattias Mitter 

Matthias Mitter
Business Manager
Multi-Material Welding

Krystian Jakubiuk

Krystian Jakubiuk
Development Engineer
Advanced Lightweight & Composites



Bossard - Going beyond fastening

Composite Design 

“Is there a way to accelerate the design process while still meeting the manufacturing and final assembly requirements?"

Annabelle, Component Design Engineer


Composite Manufacturing 

"What is the best approach to incorporate the designated fastening solution into our production process?”

Mathieu, Senior Manufacturing Engineer


Composite Assembly Technology 

"What measures can be taken to prevent unnecessary expenses from scrappage or damage to reputation caused by improper application?”

Sabine, Assembly Supervisor




Contact us

We offer immediate help for your current project. Book your first appointment free of charge with no obligation. We look forward to supporting you.


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